Do You NOT Know Today’s A Holiday? Part I

Posted: July 4, 2007 in Old Blogs

Think about it…

There are holidays that are hard wired into our psyche. It’s a fact. You do not need to think too hard about what Xmas’ date is.. hell, even the freakin’ Muslims know :: but I’m not going to go there because that’s a whole other post ::

So today is one of those holidays. In fact.. IN FACT.. you don’t even have to remember that it’s officially INDEPENDENCE DAY because it is ALWAYS referred to as “.. The 4th of July”.  Is that NOT a clue enough, simple asses?

Ok.. anyway.. there is a reason for the rant.

My mom leaves me a message that she wants me to pick up a fruit tray at the super market. I’m taking her and Nonna to my brother’s for a BBQ :: that’s a whole freakin’ other post, too :: and she doesn’t want to go empty handed.

Deal… it’s an Italian thing

This is turning out to be longer then I anticipated. I’m on a time constraint here so I’ll TRY to just get to the point. HEY! I said “try”.

So I drive over there.. and the place is PACKED. I mean PACKED. It’s almost like you did a rewind on Hurrican Katrina and everybody knew what was going to happen. Better yet.. it’s what happens here when the news says “… there’s a 4% chance of snow”.

And I’m like… did you people NOT know that today’s a holiday? Do you NOT plan ahead? I mean, I can fully understanding needing just the “odds and ends” .. or stuff that you didn’t have enough of the first time.. or you know.. you get that phone call from a certain person saying that not only are THEY coming to your shindig but they’re taking 6 other people…

Any way.. just noticed the time so I have to get my ass in gear… I’ll finish later

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•. Caio for now… I’m freakin’ running late


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