Archive for September 20, 2009

It’s Been Awhile…

Posted: September 20, 2009 in Chief, Just Me
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First of all.. I apologize for going MIA the last week or so … it SO wasn’t intentional.. I just got laid up with the nastiest of nasty colds and have been in a self induced Nyquil coma for the past week.

In fact, tonight was the first night that I even had the energy to LOOK at the laptop let alone use it. I’m still charging up my cell phone.. the battery died about a week ago and it’s been under the bed since.. so I’m really, really sorry if y’all have been worried about me.

I have every intention of dishing out the details about what happened last week but it may not be with the usual razor sharp detail.. time and Nyquil does fuzzy things to memories. But maybe that’s not a bad thing because I really wouldn’t want to relive it all again.

As of now, I’m still living at the house with Chief and the boys. Things are strained on my side.. he I think prefers to believe nothing happened but I just can’t let things like that go easily … if ever.

Still not sure what my next move is going to be..  rocking a foundation does that, yknow.. but what I do know is that everything now is upside down and I’m quietly sitting behind the concrete wall I put up.