It Was Sad.. But I Found A New Love!!

Posted: July 23, 2010 in Just Stuff
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Michael Kors is becoming my new bestie!!

You know  how there are guys that you want to cuddle and develop a deep meaningful relationship with and then there are the guys that you just want to have wild monkey sex with?


Meet the Monkey.

I know I was all gaga over the last pair I just posted but I should have known myself better and realized that after page 2, there is a page 3 and then a 4 and then THESE lovely creatures jumped at me so fast that I almost dropped my coffee.

Aren’t they beautiful? Don’t you just love love love the zipper and top stitching?

Could there BE another pair that just screams YEA.. BETCHA WANNA WEAR ME WHILE MAKING A CORN BEEF SPECIAL!!

Actually.. um.. there are 264 pages on Endless.Com so I think I better just shut down my laptop and go to bed before I REALLY prove myself to have earned the Shoe Whore sash!!

  1. Did you dream of shoes last night? Those are gorgeous. I’ll bet they look great on.

  2. lookitsbray says:

    As an avid lover of women in high heels, I agree with this blog :)

    • Leese says:

      Thanks Bray!!!

      As an avid lover of men who are avid lover of women in heels, I appreciate stopping by and leaving a comment!!

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