When A Weekend Needs A Redo ~ Part Three: Sunday

Posted: April 27, 2009 in Bubba, Chief, Just Me, Spazz
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So Sunday, Chief wakes me up around 9am. He was up at 4 but knows that I like to sleep late at least one day a week. Since the store is closed on Sundays now, that’s usually the day.

We still had to go to the wholesaler but the day was so beautiful that we just wanted to be out in it. And since we both love flea markets, I suggested we try a very large on in the state next to ours. It’s the same distance as the one we normally go to but in a different direction.

He says that we should take Spaz and again, I don’t have a problem with it. But even if I did, come on, he’s 10… you going to leave him alone all day?

So we get done doing what we had to do and went back to the house. I had left my cell phone in the car and when we got back in, I noticed there was a voice mail from the crack whore. Basically, the message was to Chief saying that they had to talk about Bubba.

When Chief got in the car, I told him about the voice mail. I dialed her number and handed him the phone.

I don’t know the exact conversation because I only heard his side and he never elaborated :: I “think” I heard my name but wasn’t sure :: .. apparently, Bubba to her that Chief had thrown him out of the house. Chief told her that that was a lie.. he didn’t… but he was in trouble for the things he was doing / or not doing and gave her examples. He also told her that we work like dogs and he sits around expecting everything to be done for him.

It went like that for awhile and then Chief told her to tell Bubba to be back at the house at 6pm… and then we made our way to the flea market.

At one point, Chief said that we should have taken Bubba. I told him that WE didn’t EXclude him.. he wasn’t around.. didn’t tell anybody where he was.. he EXcludes HIMself.

I’m not going to lie. It was H-O-T. At least 97 degrees. And it was HUGE. There were so many tables to see and so much stuff to look at but right from the get go.. as soon as we left the indoor market for the outdoor market Spaz started whining about how hot he was.. how he just wanted to sit down .. Chief bought him water and told him to wear his garrison cap but nothing could appease the whiny, bratty Spaz.

It got to the point where I just wanted to leave and so I suggested we just go to a diner to eat instead of trying to find a place there where we could sit.

Chief said that was a great idea and as we made our way to the car, he said to me “I’m sorry”.

I knew he meant about Spaz and I said that he had nothing to be sorry for. He said, “I suggested we take him” and I said, “Come on.. he’s your kid”.

I was annoyed though, I won’t lie. But I don’t know what was exactly annoying me so I just sucked it up and tried to put a game face on.

We ate and then we made our way home. We still had to go to the store to jack up one of the joices so we told Spaz that we would drop him off at home first and that we wouldn’t be long.

That’s the kind of stuff that you can’t have Spaz around when you do it because he’ll get in the way and would wind up getting hurt or causing you to get hurt so we told him to just hang tight at the house.

We were gone for no longer then an hour. Chief decided to put some steaks and corn on the grill so we stopped at the market to pick them up and made our way home.

When we walked in.. it was obvious that Bubba was home. There was a bag with his clothes on it thrown on the dining room table.. a trail of clothes leading up the step and the bathroom was a mess.

When I was getting the laundry together, I heard Spaz tell Chief that Bubba was home and got pissed off that he didn’t go to the flea market .. that “.. we never take him anywhere.”

Be home, dude.. and you’d go somewhere. Simple, right?

Anyway.. we sat down to eat and my cell goes off. It was in the bedroom so I didn’t have a chance to reach it before it went to voice mail but it was the crack whore.

I didn’t even listen to the message. I jsut started the voice mail and handed it to Chief. He listened to it and then called her. Not sure what the convo was about because he didn’t tell me but from the gist of it I gathered that she had left a note for Bubba to make sure he was home at 6 but then she went out so didn’t know if he got the message or not.

Chief told her that he had been here but left again and I think that was that.

Until she called again at 830 or 845. The phone rang.. I saw it was her and just handed him the phone. Again, he never told me their conversation.. but I know she said something about Bubba being afraid to come home and that his feelings were hurt.

Chief said something to her about he’s starting to get really pissed off that he wasn’t home but I walked out on the rest of the conversation. I figured he’d clue me in but he never did.

About 930, I was on my way down the basement to switch the laundry and I noticed that Spaz had knocked the shade off the window :: don’t ask :: and while I was putting it up, Bubba walked in and sat on the couch.

Chief came out of the bedroom and started saying stuff to him but I just grabbed the hampers and made my way downstairs. I did hear him say something about the way he treats him and me and Spaz. I wanted to stay out of it.

I brought the laundry up and went into our bedroom to fold it. Chief didn’t say anything to me about Bubba and I didn’t ask.

Spaz went to take a shower and then headed to bed. At 1030 I asked Chief when Bubba’s bedtime is and he said now .. so he told Bubba to “wrap it up”. About 15 minutes later he leaves the bedroom and comes in again.. this time getting ready to go to sleep. I didn’t hear the creaky steps or anyone in Bubba’s room above ours so I went out into the living room and there he is.. sleeping on the couch.

I changed the light in the kichen, put the globe back on the ceiling fan light in the dining room and went back to bed.

Like I said before.. it was HOT and no matter what we did, we couldn’t get air through the house. Chief was especailly suffering so I offered to take the air conditioner out of the closet. At first he said no, he didn’t want me to go through all that but that later became “.. if you want to”.

So I pulled it out of the closet and while I was swining it over from the closet to the desk under the window Chief said to me , “.. you really don’t know how beautiful you are.”

I was like, “.. yea, ok.”

And he was like, “no really, your hairs all messed up sticking out all over the place.”

That was sweet.

Unfortunately, the air conditioner didn’t work. I don’t know why. He tried to explain it to me but honestly, I didn’t care .. all I knew was that now I was hotter then I was before! Talk about mind over matter.

He wound up taking the air conditioner from Bubba’s room :: that being the ONLY working one in the house now :: and said that we were to figure out how we could afford 3 new units. I told him that since they are always sleeping in the living room anyway, that we should just get one unit for their first and then get the room ones later. He agreed .. saying, “I encourage them sleeping in the living room during the summer”… which is actually news to me because that wasn’t his feeling last summer.

But anyway.. so that was the weekend.

And there’s something gnawing at the back of my brain and I just can’t put my finger on it.

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